Save your Mornings: Grind your own Peanut Butter
Just a friendly reminder here, why bulk peanut butter is better than the plastic jar.*
It’s better, because inevitably, when you twist off that red cap and see this:

It’s Monday morning, 8 am.
Monday morning, when you don’t have time to find two matching socks let alone stir a precariously-full jar of separated peanut solid and oils. Because while you are stirring that jar with one hand…the other is trying to get panties on a toddler that knows how to dress herself, just inexplicably won’t except, well, because: Toddler. And that leads to this:

Which you don’t have time for … so no sandwich that day – just an apple, some savory-stick carbs and some leftover marshmallows from Halloween craft-attempts.
Day two, you reach into the fridge to discover this:

And of course, you will most likely throw the container away when are finished. Because when faced with the choice of cleaning peanut butter out of a plastic jar so I can recycle it, or watching “Tinkerbell: Secret of the Wings” for the 16th time, I’ll gladly snuggle down with the girls and pretend I don’t know the winter fairy is Tinkerbell’s long lost sister.
Taken from the Liquid Bulk Buying Guide, some tips for buying bulk peanut butter:
- Use a glass jar. (Easier to clean an oily substance off glass than plastic.)
- Use a straight jar, a perfect cylinder like a Mason jar. (Again, easier to clean.)
- Use a wide-mouthed jar. (So you can get a rubber spatula in there at the end. And so you don’t make a mess at the store.)
- Use two jars and rotate. (So you don’t run out.)
- Use smaller instead of larger jars.

*This story written as an immediate reaction to Monday morning.
What's wrong with Stroganoff?
Hahaha, YES to this!!! So true. Freshly ground, zero waste is so much better. Plus, another boon to weekday mornings–no need to take out the trash anymore 🙂
🙂 I guess I don't have a good answer. I picture the lunch lady turning over an industrial kitchen-sized can and the solid cylindrical-formed Stroganoff, sliding out and then free standing in the pot…
Exactly! Although, picturing my kitchen after I return from dropping off the kids at school….there's still plenty of work to do!