December Links

December 22, 2015
I donate a lot clothes – mostly kids clothes – but also that Gap shirt I bought on vacation at Grandpa’s house after my baby peed on me or that consignment dress I thought would be perfect for work until a few pounds later was so tight it would only qualify for work associated with the later hours. Like recycling, you get a good Karma feeling, pat-your-own-back when you donate clothes because you aren’t throwing them away and you are helping the needy, right? Well, kinda.

From The Atlantic, another story about how those bins are run by for-profit companies – which, quite frankly, I don’t have a problem with.
Not enough demand in the US means clothing is exported and eventually, according to this organization, “85 percent of all the clothing….ends up in landfills,” anyway. So this is why it’s a good idea to buy quality clothing and take good care them.
December 15, 2015First of all I must admit, I’m not a vegetarian. But I don’t think it’s a bad way live. Especially when I read things like this article that asks why we aren’t addressing livestock’s contribution to greenhouse gas emissions (which makes more than our cars and trucks!). Have a longer attention span? Young Leo DiCaprio produced a film, Cowspiracy, about the same concern.
I do like me some pot roast but until I find that magic town where my job, the schools and the supermarket are all within walking distance, it’s much easier for me to reduce the amount of meat I consume than it is to reduce how much driving I do. Got Netflix? You can watch Cowspiracy right now. And ponder how you are going to make that awesome, no fuss, Crockpot lasagna sans vache.
I've been seeing so much about cascara, & am so curious! Will have to do some research to see where I can try it in my area.
If you feel compelled, let me know what you find! I'll look around my area too, see if I can get some interest stirred up. -k
Our holidays were great! Plus, being in the FSU, we get another Christmas on 7 Jan! How were yours?
Yay for two holidays! In Panama they celebrate independence from Spain AND from Colombia so the month of November is essentially nothing but a bunch of parades.