Zero Waste(ish) Coloring Books
Have you seen these new coloring books for adults? If you’ve waited at a grocery store checkout lately, you probably have. And like all the candy, chapstick and unloaded gift cards that also grace that temptation station, my daughter wants one.
But I won’t buy her one. Because once you give in, you know you’ll have fend off future requests for the next decade or so.
Plus, I just discovered you can print your coloring books – for free!
1. Google “(insert animated character of choice) coloring pages.”
2. Set some rescued half-used pages in the printer. I use junk mail that I can’t seem to turn off and my oldest’s schoolwork.

Zero Waste printer paper.
3. Hit print.
4. Add kid. Preferably with some crayons you rescued from a child-friendly restaurant.
Et Voilà!
If you get too much junk mail, do what I do:
I take all their mailings, all that'll fit anyway, and put it in their postage-free envelope and mail it back to them. That way they have to pay the postage (haha) and get their crap back.
Oh, and I don't send back any part of the mailing that has my name on it.
You can also fill those envelopes with shred. That's fun too.